KUS Inter-school 2023

KUS Inter-school 2023 was held on the 16th April 2023 at The Grassroot Club.

The Karate Academy’s students were there early to starts their warm up in preparation for their event.  10 students took part in the kata and kumite category. Most of them were competiting for the first time and all were nervous and anxious.  Senpai Ivan lead them through the warm up and prep them for their event.

It was the moment of truth when the students enter the tattami to compete with anxious parents supporting at the gallery and cameras shootiing away. Whatever the results, we are all proud of the students for taking a step forward to compete and build up their confidences. It was valuable experiences gained by the students.

Senpai Tamly was there as a kumite judge.

Well done to all the students and a big thanks to the parents for their support. We looki forward to the next one and built up from here.


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